

購買的[美國直購] 理髮器剪髮器 Wahl Professional Cordless Clipper #8591 – 90 Minute Run Time – Accessories Included在這也買的到~而且在這











Professional Precision: From Wahl Professional’s commercial grade line of products, the Cordless Designer Clipper is intended for professional use only and is designed to deliver the sharp performance that experts demand.

Stylish and Functional: One of our most popular clippers is now cordless! Wahl’s Cordless Designer Clipper is lightweight, features a sleek ergonomic design, and is cordless for maximum mobility. It’s powerful and comfortable in the hand, includes a taper lever for easy fading and blending, and boasts a 90-minute run time.

Accesories Included: For your convenience, the Cordless Designer Clipper comes with all accessories required for use. Package includes the clipper, (8) attachment combs, oil, cleaning brush, instructions, and red blade guard.

Product Specifications: The Cordless Designer Clipper (#8591) measures 6.25” long and weighs 10.2 oz. This product features a Lithium-ion battery, charging cord, and a 1005 universal blade. Can be run with the included power cord. For sale in the USA only.

Please Note: Wahl Professional Products purchased from this authorized dealer feature a manufacturer’s warranty, which is not available from unauthorized dealers.

From Wahl Professional’s commercial grade line of products, the Cordless Designer Clipper is intended for professional use only and is designed to deliver the sharp performance that experts demand. Wahl’s Cordless Designer Clipper is lightweight, features a sleek ergonomic design, and is cordless for maximum mobility. It’s powerful and comfortable in the hand, includes a taper lever for easy fading and blending, and boasts a 90-minute run time. For your convenience, the Cordless Designer Clipper comes with all accessories required for use. Package includes the clipper, (8) attachment combs, oil, cleaning brush, instructions, and red blade guard. The Cordless Designer Clipper (#8591) measures 6.25” long and weighs 10.2 oz. This product features a Lithium-ion battery, charging cord, and a 1005 universal blade. Can be run with the included power cord.

Leo J. Wahl invented the first hand-held electric clipper back in 1919. He believed in necessary, reasonably priced products that enhanced the lives of everyone who used them. Today, all Wahl products embrace the principles of our founder. We offer reliable, value-priced devices and solutions that protect skin and hair while performing on all skin and hair types.

折價卷Product Dimensions: 12 x 9 x 10 inches ; 2 pounds

Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds


UPC: 043917859101 796433827863

Item model number: 85910






[美國直購] 理髮器剪髮器 Wahl Professional Cordless Clipper #8591 – 90 Minute Run Time – Accessories Included 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時



你可曾想過有一天,手腳、器官都能如機械零件一般更換,若有更優秀、有效率的版本推出,還能像電腦設備一樣進行「升級」;在 30 多年前一次攀岩事故中,修.赫爾(Hugh Herr)失去了雙腿,現在,他是MIT媒體實驗室生物機械組的領導者,並把目標放在創造上述的未來。

1982 年,赫爾因為一場攀岩事故,雙腿嚴重凍傷導致截肢,然而那時候,他從未將自己的身體視為殘障,「一個人是不會殘障的,只有科技才是殘障、有缺陷的。」這樣單純的念頭使他開始行動,著手改善科技、消除自己身體的缺陷,進而解決他人的缺陷。



赫爾在 MIT 媒體實驗室建立了高端仿生學中心,目標是以生物機械仿生學及再生學的力量,解決大腦與身體的殘障問題;他期望,未來世界裡,殘障已被科學克服,神經植入可以幫助盲人重獲光明、肢體殘疾的人,可以藉由外骨骼取回步行的能力。


至於機械義肢該如何才能像原生手臂般靈活移動,赫爾認為關鍵在於動態層面,他舉自己正在使用的義肢「 BIOMs 」為例,「當腳跟著地時,電腦會控制柔軟度,降低肢體受到的衝擊,一般行走時,義肢會發出力量把人抬起,完成踏出步伐的動作,這與小腿肌肉的移動類似。」


雅芝.哈斯戴維,一位在波士頓恐怖攻擊中失去左腿的舞者,赫爾稱,「波士頓恐怖攻擊兩次爆炸不過間隔 3.5 秒,這 3.5 秒內,那些犯罪者與懦夫,就把雅芝趕下了舞台。」然而 2 百天內,憑借機械義肢的幫助,她再次回到了舞台上,重獲跳舞的能力。







哈佛大學醫學院生物學教授Donald Ingber表示:「我們通常能夠在大自然中找到能夠完美且優雅解決問題的答案。我們很高興能夠看到這種技術的進步,有助於手術進行與傷口癒合。」


研究人員認為這種新黏合劑除了可以用作填補組織的填充物之外,還能夠切割成適當大小以保護脆弱的組織表面,或是用於處理生物體內深處的傷口。帝國學院生物工程系Adam Celiz博士說:「這種堅韌的黏合劑在未來可能有非常廣泛的應用。它可以與機器人結合、或是擔任藥物傳遞工具將藥物送於深處的組織內。」

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